
My friend Mike Hutmacher, photographer at the Wichita Eagle, sent this to me over the weekend. It's a story and audio slide show he did on Dwayne's Photo, a photography lab in Parsons, Kansas, about an hour east of Wichita. Supposedly, Dwayne's is the last lab in the world to process Kodachrome. I had always thought there were perhaps a dozen or so labs throughout the United State (or at least scattered across the globe) that still processed Kodachrome, but apparently not. Take a look at the slide show here and read the story here. Then, when you're done, check out my favorite scene from the first season of Mad Men, where Don Draper gives a presentation to executives from Kodak. It's when he pitches his idea of what to call Kodak's new circular slide tray.
(up top "Dancing in the Kitchen, Preston, CT, circa 1955," photo courtesy Carol Drong. From the book "Americans in Kodachrome," Twin Palms Publishers, 2002.)
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